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Stimulant Withdrawal & Detox

Stimulant withdrawal symptoms usually begin within the first one to three days after stopping use. Symptoms can last two weeks or even longer depending on use history. Withdrawal symptoms include mild effects, such as nausea, anxiety, irritability or mood swings, and irregular sleep patterns.

Stimulant withdrawal can also result in more severe side effects, such as intense withdrawal symptoms, panic attacks, depression, and hallucinations. 

In general, stimulant withdrawal does not result in life-threatening symptoms. However, if someone uses stimulants in combination with other substances like alcohol, severe side effects, such as coma or death, can occur during withdrawal. It’s always best to have medical supervision during the detox process.

Rebound Effect From Stimulants

Stimulants range from prescription drugs, like Adderall and Ritalin, to drugs that are more commonly bought on the street, like cocaine and methamphetamine. These drugs have increased in popularity over the years. 

The most common reasons for abusing stimulants include the following:

  • Increased mental performance
  • Enhanced physical performance
  • Better productivity 
  • Enriched concentration
  • Reduced appetite, which many stimulant users utilize for weight loss

With prolonged use, a dependence on stimulants can form. When discontinuing use, stimulants can cause withdrawal symptoms that will range in intensity depending on use history and certain biological factors. Withdrawal symptoms are one of the signs of a potential stimulant use disorder

What Causes Withdrawal From Stimulants?

Stimulants are psychoactive drugs that provide a boost to brain activity, increasing desirable brain chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine. This results in states of euphoria, increased alertness, and enhanced energy. Misuse of stimulants affects the brain in a variety of ways, which can result in paranoia, irritability, and other psychological symptoms.

Stimulant withdrawal is caused by the brain needing the drug for the individual to feel like they can function, either in a normal or enhanced capacity. It’s estimated that approximately 10% to 15% of people who use stimulants will become dependent on them. 

When discontinuing use after dependence has formed, stimulant withdrawal sets in, and this is accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms.

The Causes of Stimulant Withdrawal

Common Symptoms of Stimulant Withdrawal

Common symptoms of stimulant withdrawal include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness
  • Problems with concentration
  • Hyperactivity

More severe side effects, which are often associated with stimulant misuse and abuse, include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia and irregular sleep patterns
  • Elevated heart rate

When Is Stimulant Withdrawal and Detox Serious?

Stimulant withdrawal can be serious, especially for people with a history of heavy use. It’s not safe to quit these drugs without help.

Serious signs of stimulant withdrawal include the following:

  • Psychotic symptoms
  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
  • Severe anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Depression
  • Limited interest in the outside world

People experiencing these symptoms need help from a qualified treatment team.

Factors That Affect Withdrawal Symptom Severity 

Your addiction treatment timeline can vary based on several factors, including the following:

Use HistoryUse history is one of the primary factors that will affect the severity of stimulant withdrawal symptoms. If a person uses stimulants over a long period of time and in higher dose amounts, they are more likely to experience more intense withdrawal symptoms.
AgeResearchers say that our ability to process drugs reduces with age. Some older people have kidney disease that impacts their ability to remove drugs from their bodies. Others have liver disease, so they can’t break down drug doses. And still others have reduced muscle mass and increased dehydration, all of which can change how quickly you process drugs.

In general, older people tend to have longer and more complex withdrawal syndromes than their younger counterparts.
WeightIn the United States, 42% of adults are obese or overweight. People with a larger body size process drugs differently than smaller people. 
The amount of fat in a person’s body increases drug distribution space and can change how long it takes for the body to process drugs. Heavier people usually have longer withdrawal time frames, as the body tends to hang onto drugs longer.
Mental HealthStimulant withdrawal can make some underlying health issues (like depression and anxiety) much worse. If you’re already struggling with these problems, you may feel like your withdrawal is lasting longer because your mental health isn’t quick to improve.
Type of StimulantYour stimulant withdrawal and detox time frame can vary by the type of drug you used. While all stimulants work in a similar manner, the amount they can persist in the body can vary. For example, people who use cocaine report drug withdrawal within one to two days of quitting, while those who use methamphetamine don’t have symptoms until two to four days after quitting.

How Long Does Stimulant Withdrawal Last? 

Likewise, the timeline for stimulant withdrawal will vary somewhat depending on the same individual factors, such as duration of use, average dose, age, body size, and co-occurring physical or mental health conditions. 

Those who use prescribed stimulants to a doctor’s specifications will most likely experience either light withdrawal symptoms or no withdrawal symptoms at all. Individuals who use illicit stimulants, such as cocaine and meth, can expect a lengthier withdrawal duration as well as more severe withdrawal symptoms. 

People who abuse stimulants alongside other substances, such as alcohol or opioids, will also experience more intense withdrawal symptoms. It’s imperative that withdrawal is managed in these cases.

Overall, withdrawal symptoms may start to set in within a few hours after discontinuing stimulant use. Most individuals will get through the worst of the withdrawal experience within two weeks or less. However, certain symptoms like depression and cravings for stimulants can last months or even years after discontinuing use. 

Those who experience symptoms that last longer than two weeks are most likely experiencing PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome). PAWS symptoms include insomnia, depression, inability to concentrate, fatigue, and noticeable mood swings. PAWS necessitates comprehensive addiction treatment since it is a major risk factor for relapse.

Stimulant Withdrawal Timeline 

Withdrawal symptoms usually begin within about 24 hours, rising in severity over the course of one to three days. In some instances, they may not begin for a day or two, but they generally do by the third day.

The most severe symptoms are generally experienced within the first two weeks. In most individuals, intense withdrawal symptoms will usually subside within the first two weeks of discontinuing use. Prolonged withdrawal symptoms can last 18 days or even longer.

The First 1-3 Days of WithdrawalStimulant withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue, insomnia, and irritability, begin within the first three days after last use.
4-7 Days of WithdrawalDuring the end of the first week, more severe symptoms will begin, including depression, more intense fatigue, mood swings, and strong cravings to use stimulants.
1-2 Weeks After Discontinuing UseMany individuals will get through the worst of their symptoms within the first one to two weeks after quitting stimulants. However, depression and irregular sleep patterns can often still occur after this point.
3+ Weeks Some symptoms may persist for months. Talk to your treatment team about how best to manage these ongoing symptoms. 

Long-Term Psychological Impact of Stimulant Withdrawal and Detox

Stimulant drugs can cause serious mental health issues during withdrawal. Some people develop anxiety and agitation. Others can experience a form of depression that lasts for weeks after they quit. These symptoms can be so severe that people contemplate or even attempt suicide.

While no medications have been FDA-approved for stimulant withdrawal, some people benefit from supervised treatment with antidepressants. Others appreciate treatment with sleep medications. A good night’s sleep could help you feel less anxious and more in control of your recovery.

Other non-medication approaches that might help include the following:

  • Getting regular exercise
  • Using meditation or yoga to ease stress
  • Attending support group meeting with your peers
  • Keeping your sessions with your treatment team
  • Talking with friends and family about your feelings

If you experience suicidal thoughts while trying to quit stimulants, consider this a medical emergency. Contact your treatment team immediately, and if they’re not available, call 911 and ask for help.

Detoxing From Stimulants 

Detoxing from prescribed or illicit stimulants depends on how the drug was used as well as tolerance to stimulants. If an individual has used stimulants sparingly or under prescribed guidelines, detoxing at home and without direct medical supervision may be acceptable. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you gradually taper your dose over a period of weeks until you are no longer taking any of the medication.

Your treatment team may use other medications to manage your symptoms during detox. For example, your doctor might use antidepressants to ease mental health issues or clonidine for blood pressure problems.

If you have been abusing stimulants, medical detox is recommended. Your risk of relapse is high if you attempt at-home detox, so it’s wise to go through withdrawal under medical supervision in an addiction treatment program. In this setting, you’ll also form the framework of a treatment plan that can help you avoid future stimulant use and build a better life in recovery.

Updated May 7, 2024
  1. Withdrawal Syndromes. (October 2022). StatPearls.
  2. Stimulant Use Disorder. (June 2022). British Columbia Centre on Substance Use.
  3. Prescription Stimulants in College and Medical Students: A Narrative Review of Misuse, Cognitive Impact, and Adverse Effects. (July 2022). Psychiatry International.
  4. Tolerance to Stimulant Medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Literature Review and Case Report. (August 2022). Brain Sciences.
  5. Identification and Evidence-Based Treatment of Post–Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. (March 2022). The Journal for Nurse Practitioners.
  6. The Search for Medications to Treat Stimulant Dependence. (June 2008). Addiction Science & Clinical Practice.
  7. Stimulant Use Disorder Treatment. Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services.
  8. Opioids and Stimulants: What Are They and How Are People Using Them? (April 2021). Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute.
  9. Chapter 3: Medical Aspects of Stimulant Use Disorders. (2021). Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorder.
  10. Drug Metabolism. (August 2023). StatPearls.
  11. Drug Metabolism in People with Obesity. (May 2023). Stop Obesity Alliance.
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