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Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Coverage for Drug Rehab in Indiana

Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers several different types of health insurance in Indiana. Whether your plan comes from a private employer, self-employment, or the federal employee program, your coverage can help you pay for drug rehab in Indiana.

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Boca Recovery Center’s Indiana facility often works with Indiana-based Blue Cross Blue Shield plans, including Anthem and FEP Blue. If you’re ready to use your insurance to tackle a difficult addiction issue, we can simplify the process and help you get the coverage you need. 

To find out just how much your plan will pay for the cost of inpatient or outpatient drug rehab in Indiana, use this form

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Cover Drug Rehab in Indiana?

Yes, BCBS covers drug and alcohol treatment in Indiana. But every plan is different, as are the out-of-pocket costs you might expect. Know that you’ll have at least partial coverage for the care you need for addiction recovery. But investigating your plan is important. 

For example, some BCBS policies involve strict Indiana networks. To keep your costs low, you should choose a treatment provider that has a cost-sharing agreement with BCBS and/or Anthem.[1]

But some Indiana BCBS policies, such as FEP Blue, have larger networks that extend all across the United States.[2] If you have a plan like this, you may have more choices and lower costs. 

How Much of the Cost of Drug Rehab Will BCBS Insurance Cover?

All BCBS plans include at least some coverage for drug rehab. But coverage levels can vary dramatically from one program to another. 

Your choices matter too. If you work with an out-of-network provider and don’t get needed preauthorization or skip required payments, you could face higher fees.[3]

Insurance Coverage for Boca Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Indiana 

Use your Indiana BCBS plan to get the drug rehab you need at Boca Recovery Center. Our intake team often works with Anthem plan administrators. We will handle all of the paperwork, so you can focus on your recovery. 

Start your journey with a free insurance verification consultation. Tell us a little about your plan, and we’ll work with BCBS on your behalf. 

We also offer scholarships and assistance packages to put the cost of care within reach. You may not need these options, as your BCBS plan may cover your fees. But if you need help, we’re here for you. 

Verify Your BCBS Coverage in Indiana 

Insurance documents are complex and difficult to understand. But it’s important to understand your coverage before you start care in Indiana. Boca Recovery Center can help. 

Work with our admissions team. We will contact your plan administrator and determine your coverage and benefits. We’ll present you with a clear understanding of your plan’s benefits and out-of-pocket costs. Put the time you’ll save into getting better. 

Save time and hassle. Use this form to connect with our insurance experts. We’ll verify your BCBS benefits and help you understand your coverage.

What Addiction Treatment Services Are Covered By BCBS in Indiana?

Every Blue Cross Blue Shield plan is different, especially in Indiana. With several companies administering these products, and different plans created by each company, the variations can be staggering. 

Most plans cover at least some of the basic services you’ll need to combat an addiction, including the following:

Your treatment timelines may vary too. Some plans let you stay in treatment as long as you need. Others move you from intense care (like inpatient treatment ) to reduced care (like outpatient treatment) quickly to save money. 

Since policies can be so complicated, let our admissions team help. We can explain your Indiana treatment options and help you maximize your benefits. 

Updated March 5, 2024
  1. A closer look at some of your health care costs and payments. Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. Accessed August 31, 2023.
  2. Our plans. BlueCross BlueShield Federal Employee Program. Accessed August 31, 2023.
  3. Indiana FAQs. Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. Accessed August 31, 2023.