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Anthem Insurance Coverage for Drug Rehab in Indiana

Anthem has served customers in Indiana for more than 78 years.[1] Right now, more than 3.6 million people in Indiana have Anthem coverage.[1] If you’re one of them, use your benefits for drug rehab in Indiana.

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Boca Recovery Center has extensive experience in working with Anthem. Our Indiana intake team can work directly with your Anthem plan administrator to ensure you maximize your benefits and reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

For many people, dealing with insurance plans is the most stressful part of entering drug rehab. Let our team help. Reach out with this form, and the Boca Recovery Center will handle all of the details. 

Does Anthem Cover Drug Rehab in Indiana?

Yes, Anthem covers drug rehab programs in Indiana. But coverage levels and out-of-pocket costs can vary from one Anthem plan to another. 

For example, Anthem offers the following three levels of insurance for individuals and families in Indiana. As the chart demonstrates, some come with higher out-of-pocket costs.[2]

Monthly Payments Deductible AmountCopayments 
BronzeLowest Highest Highest
SilverModerateModerate Moderate 
GoldHighest Lowest Lowest 

How Much of the Cost of Indiana Drug Rehab Will Anthem Cover?

Anthem plans in Indiana vary. Some cover the entire cost of treatment with few out-of-pocket expenses. Others limit benefits and come with high fees. 

Some Anthem plans also involve a network, meaning you must find an Indiana provider that works directly with Anthem. If you don’t, your costs will be higher. 

Insurance Coverage for Boca Recovery Drug Rehab in Indiana 

Everyone with Anthem insurance has at least partial coverage for drug rehab at Boca Recovery Center in Indiana. Our intake team can verify the benefits you’re entitled to via your plan. And we can outline your out-of-pocket costs. 

Contact the admissions team via this form. We’ll work directly with your Anthem plan administrator and tell you what you need to know. 

If your treatment costs (such as deductibles or copayments) don’t fit your budget, we can help. Boca Recovery Center offers both scholarships and need-based financial packages to make your care affordable. 

Verifying Your Anthem Insurance Coverage in Indiana 

Anthem plans in Indiana come with a dizzying amount of complexity. Members are encouraged to call plan administrators to verify benefits and out-of-pocket costs. Boca Recovery Center can complete this task, so you can focus on your recovery. 

With your permission, our admissions team will contact your Anthem plan administrator. We will verify your benefits, ensure preauthorization steps are completed, and detail your out-of-pocket costs. We’ll present all of that information in terms you can understand. 

Reach out to our admissions team for a free, fast, and confidential insurance assessment. Get answers about your Indiana Anthem benefits today.

What Addiction Treatment Services Are Covered by Anthem?

Anthem covers drug and alcohol rehab services to help its members get the care they need. 

Your Anthem plan may cover all or part of the following components:

Your Anthem plan may cover all or part of the following treatment settings in Indiana:

How Long Will Anthem Cover Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs?

Anthem plans can vary. Some include cost-cutting measures that can push you out of intense (and expensive) settings quickly. Others allow you to remain in whatever form of treatment serves you best.

Understanding these rules is critical. A mistake could cost you money. Boca Recovery Center will work directly with Anthem, ensuring you maximize your benefits and minimize your out-of-pocket costs. 

Contact our admissions team for a free Anthem insurance consultation. Our Indiana team would love to help you. 

Updated March 5, 2024
  1. Large group health insurance in Indiana. Anthem. Accessed August 30, 2023.
  2. Individual and family health insurance plans in Indiana. Anthem. Accessed August 30, 2023.