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Treatment Options for Psilocybin Mushroom Addiction

Psilocybin mushrooms are not considered addictive in the same sense that other drugs like opioids are. Overall, experts agree that psychedelics like mushrooms have a low addiction potential. Even so, their abuse can result in addiction for some people.

Since addiction to psilocybin mushrooms doesn’t involve physical dependence, the focus of treatment is on the psychological aspects of addiction. In therapy, you’ll work through underlying issues that factored into your mushroom abuse, and you’ll begin to build a life that is centered on recovery.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Psilocybin Mushroom Addiction?

The specific treatment that will work best for you will depend on the severity of your addiction, any co-occurring mental health issues, and other factors. Here are some of the forms that treatment for psilocybin mushroom addiction can take:

Inpatient Rehab

Since psilocybin mushroom addiction is relatively rare due to the drug’s low addiction profile, inpatient rehab is usually not the initial course of care. However, if you also abuse other substances, like opioids or alcohol, along with mushrooms, inpatient rehab may be needed. In addition, those with co-occurring mental health issues may benefit more from the continual care provided in an inpatient rehab program. 

Outpatient Rehab 

This is the most common avenue of treatment for those with psilocybin mushroom addiction. While you’ll continue to reside at home or in a sober living facility, you’ll visit the addiction treatment center a few days per week to receive care. The bulk of your treatment will take place in therapy sessions, workshops, and complementary activities.

In rehab, you’ll work with licensed therapists and counselors who specialize in addiction. 

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies involve the use of alternative and/or spiritual practices for the purpose of healing and addressing an underlying issue. These therapies often work well for those who have abused psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelics.  

While holistic therapies are not viewed as primary treatments for addiction in the medical community, they are becoming increasingly popular and connected to a growing evidence base supporting their impact. Many doctors recommend holistic therapies in conjunction with primary care strategies, such as medication. 


There are no medications that are specifically intended to treat mushroom addiction, but medications may be used to address co-occurring disorders or symptoms of withdrawal. For example, clients in rehab may be prescribed antidepressants or insomnia medications if appropriate.

Therapy Options Used in Treatment

The primary treatment for mushroom addiction involves behavioral therapy, which is based on behavioral theory and the principles of behavior modification. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a variation of behavioral therapy that is highly effective for treating addiction. It involves identifying and restructuring cognitive distortions that contribute to maladaptive behaviors like addiction. 

Other popular forms of therapy used in addiction treatment include dialectical behavior therapy, motivational interviewing, alternative therapies like art or music therapy, and trauma-focused therapy. Many therapists blend a variety of approaches to best suit their clients.

Longer durations of treatment show better results than shorter periods of care. 

Life After Treatment for Mushroom Addiction

Treatment doesn’t cure addiction since it is a chronic condition, but rehab does help you learn skills to manage addiction for the rest of your life. Oftentimes, the early days of recovery are the most vulnerable. 

After you exit formal treatment, it may be difficult to deal with cravings for psilocybin. In treatment, you will have learned ways to manage or avoid triggers for mushroom use, and you’ll put these into practice. With the skills learned in rehab, you can begin a pattern of healthier and more productive behaviors that will lead you toward a path of success. 

Rehabilitation is an opportunity to learn a new skill, take on a new hobby, go back to school, or discover a new career path. You can develop and achieve any other number of life goals that will provide you with much greater satisfaction than simply consuming psilocybin mushrooms. 

Self-care is very important in the rehabilitation and recovery process. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself and for generally staying sober while you rehabilitate:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Aim to be active every day. Try group fitness activities that can also provide you with social connections that can support your recovery. 
  • Consider taking a class or identifying a new career path you can work toward. This can provide you with a sense of accomplishment, as you achieve new goals.
  • Give back to the community by volunteering. This increases your sense of community, and it can help to get your efforts outside yourself. 
  • Meditate. Mindfulness-based meditation and yoga have been shown to benefit those in recovery.

Get Help Today

It can be tough to venture into recovery. If you’ve been abusing psilocybin mushrooms, reach out for help today. With the right guidance and support, you can complete addiction treatment and learn to live a gratifying life in recovery from all substance abuse.

Updated March 21, 2024
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