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Seniors & Alcohol Addiction

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to consider the impact of alcohol on our health and well-being. While alcohol use may become more common during this time of life as schedules loosen, it also brings some risks and dangers that are unique to this population. Risks and dangers of drinking alcohol for seniors include increased risks of falling and injuries, impaired cognitive function, and a weakened immune system.

When allowed to continue unchecked, seniors are as much at risk for the development of an alcohol use disorder and all its potential consequences as anyone else. If there are underlying medical or mental health issues at play, the damage could be significant, even deadly.  

If you or a senior you care about is struggling with impulsive or heavy use of alcohol and experiencing negative health issues as a result, evidence-based addiction treatment can help. 

Alcohol Use in Seniors on the Rise

Alcohol use among seniors is surging in the U.S.[1] Older individuals experience the negative effects of alcohol more acutely.[2] As a result, many healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers are working to raise awareness among seniors, so seniors can get help with alcohol abuse as early as possible.

But why are more seniors drinking heavily as they age? There are several factors contributing to this trend in 2023, including these:[1,3-5,18,29]

Increasing Population of Seniors

With advancements in healthcare and longer life expectancies, the senior population is growing. This demographic shift includes individuals who started drinking earlier in life and continued drinking as they aged.

A Shift in Social Norms

The cultural landscape surrounding alcohol has transformed, with older adults embracing its use more openly. Seniors now partake in wine tastings, cocktail gatherings, and happy hours, altering the perception of alcohol as a normal part of their social lives.

Retirement & Lifestyle Changes

Retirement brings about significant lifestyle changes. An absence of work responsibilities and social networks can leave seniors grappling with boredom, loneliness, or a lack of purpose. In response, some turn to alcohol to fill the void or cope with the emotional challenges of this new phase.

Financial Freedom

As seniors reach retirement age, financial stability, and disposable income often become more readily available. With improved financial means, older adults may indulge in alcohol more frequently or in larger quantities.

A Hidden Issue

Alcohol-related problems among older adults often go unnoticed or undiagnosed. Healthcare professionals may overlook screening for alcohol use disorders in this age group, assuming the issue is less prevalent. Even family members and caregivers may dismiss signs of alcohol misuse, attributing symptoms solely to the aging process. 

Common symptoms of alcohol use that could be attributed to aging include the following:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Skipping medical appointments
  • Recurring injuries, accidents, or falls
  • Poor relationships with family members
  • Depression (which could look like poor self-care)
  • Lack of social engagement
  • Poor performance in tasks that were once routine

Psychological Factors

Some people have a difficult time with the aging process. They may lose their friends, spouse, or children to illness or disease. They may also miss the social opportunities provided by a steady job or volunteer work. For some seniors, alcohol can seem like a good coping tool for problems like loneliness, grief, and sadness.

Statistics on Seniors & Alcohol Use

  • About 20% of seniors between the ages of 60 and 64 engage in binge drinking. For those age 65 and older, about 11% binge drink.[4]
  • Between 2% and 4% of senior U.S. adults are estimated to have alcohol use disorder (AUD).[6]
  • More than 1 million senior adults (age 65 and older) had a substance use disorder (SUD) in 2014, including 978,000 who had AUD.[7]
  • Between 2001 and 2013, the rate of alcohol use disorder among individuals ages 65 and older increased by 107%.[1]
  • When older adults were asked why they drank alcohol, the most common reasons reported were: enjoying the taste (50%), socializing (49%), relaxation (38%), and it being part of their routine (13%). Some individuals also mentioned drinking to cope with stress (10%), improve mood (9%), combat boredom (8%), or alleviate pain (5%).[8]
  • Among adults ages 50 to 80 who consumed alcohol in 2020, approximately 10% combined it with other substances, such as marijuana, prescription tranquilizers, prescription sleeping pills, prescription pain pills, or illicit drugs.[8] 

Alcohol Use & Aging

How the body processes alcohol shifts with age. Some of how the aging process changes how alcohol impacts the brain and body include the following:[1,2,9]

Metabolic Changes

As we age, our metabolism slows down, altering the processing of alcohol. [1] This can result in experiencing higher blood alcohol concentrations and a prolonged state of impairment when drinking the same amount that was previously considered low. 

Heightened Sensitivity

In addition to the slower metabolism, aging causes an increased sensitivity to alcohol’s effects. A single drink that once had minimal impact on the person’s perception and function can now cause a huge shift. 

Medication Interactions

Many medications react poorly with alcohol, often increasing alcohol’s undesirable side effects, such as respiratory depression. Since older adults are likely to be taking multiple medications, it’s imperative to ensure they don’t interact poorly with alcohol.

Cognition Issues

Alcohol’s effect on cognitive function increases with age. Memory issues and decision-making abilities associated with alcohol can be more significant in older people. 

Risks of Drinking for Seniors

Some of the potential dangers and risks that come with alcohol use during senior years include the following:[1,2,5,9-11]

Liver Disease

Researchers say that seniors are more sensitive to the toxic effects of alcohol. The liver can experience severe issues, as seniors tend to have lower hydration levels, and they often take other medications. Liver disease can allow alcohol to build up faster in the body too.

Increased Risk of Falling

Alcohol’s ability to impair balance and coordination puts seniors at a higher risk of falls and resulting injuries. With age-related balance challenges already in play, the combination is a true cause for concern. 

Worsening of Chronic Conditions

Excessive alcohol use can worsen chronic diseases, including the following:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Memory problems

Seniors who are already navigating the challenges of aging bodies will face an increased vulnerability to alcohol-related health risks, such as liver disease, cardiovascular issues, and certain types of cancer.

Negative Effects on Immunity

Aging naturally weakens the immune system, leaving seniors more susceptible to illnesses. Alcohol abuse can further compromise immune function, leaving seniors more vulnerable to infections and health complications.

Social & Emotional Consequences

Excessive alcohol use can strain relationships, contribute to social isolation, and magnify emotional distress among everyone, including older adults. A drink that was meant to provide solace can end up deepening feelings of loneliness and exacerbating underlying emotional struggles. 

Increased Risks of Car Accidents

Alcohol and driving form a dangerous mix at any age, but seniors who may already be struggling with decreased motor function, slowed response time, and diminishing eyesight will find those issues exacerbated by alcohol use. 

Did the Pandemic Increase Alcohol Use Among Seniors?

The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to increased substance abuse across all age groups, and this was true for alcohol use among seniors as well.[12-15] Many people drank as a way to cope with heightened stress and anxiety during the pandemic as well as loneliness due to isolation from friends and family.

Older adults are already more likely to be socially isolated and lonely, and the pandemic worsened these issues. Many seniors use alcohol as a way to manage stress and other intense emotions. Others simply used it as a way to deal with boredom. 

While not all seniors increased their drinking habits during the pandemic, many found themselves on the other side with substantial alcohol misuse issues.

Signs That a Senior Is Abusing Alcohol

Identifying alcohol abuse in elderly individuals requires careful observation, as it may manifest differently than in younger adults. It can sometimes look like other chronic disorders or be dismissed as a normal sign of aging. 

Keep an eye out for the following signs that can indicate that an older person may be struggling with alcohol abuse:[16-18]

Mood & Behavior Shifts

Alcohol abuse can cast a shadow over mood and behavior. Watch for increased irritability, bouts of depression or anxiety, and a tendency to withdraw from social interactions.

Physical Health Issues

Prolonged alcohol use takes a toll on physical well-being. Look for changes in appetite, unexplained weight loss, lethargy, and noticeable declines in coordination or speech. While it’s easy to dismiss these as signs of aging, consider the overall picture and how these have occurred in conjunction with increased drinking patterns.

Neglecting Responsibilities

Alcohol abuse can lead to the neglect of important obligations like missed appointments, medication mismanagement, and financial irresponsibility caused by forgetting to pay bills or spending too much on alcohol.

Social Retreat

Those dealing with alcohol abuse often abandon social activities and gravitate toward others who share their drinking habits. Some seniors may prefer to drink alone to escape judgment from loved ones.

Heightened Tolerance

With continued alcohol use, tolerance increases, requiring larger quantities to achieve the desired effects. Eventually, physical dependence and AUD will set in, so the person will need to drink to escape uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal: A Key Danger of Alcohol and Seniors

Long-term drinkers can face serious health problems when they try to quit suddenly. Alcohol withdrawal can cause symptoms such as the following:[27]

  • Anxiety
  • Jumpiness
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Rapid heartbeat

Delirium tremens, the most serious form of alcohol withdrawal, can cause life-threatening symptoms, such as confusion, hallucinations, and seizures.[27]

In 2020, researchers writing in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing said seniors are at a higher risk of alcohol withdrawal complications. Seniors may have symptoms earlier, and they often need high-quality nursing care to recover.[28]

Any senior with a history of alcohol abuse or alcoholism should talk with a doctor before trying to quit. Treatment programs can help to reduce the risk of complications and ensure seniors can get sober safely.

Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines for Seniors

Watching how much you drink can help you avoid some of the serious problems alcohol can cause. Sticking to what experts consider moderate alcohol consumption might help.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate drinking levels for adults include the following:[25]

  • 2 drinks or less per day for men
  • 1 drink or less per day for women

The National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention differs from these recommendations. This organization says all adults 65 and older, regardless of sex, should consume no more than one drink per day.[26]

You can limit your consumption by setting aside days in which you don’t drink at all. You can also mix your alcoholic beverages with other options, such as water or tea.

How Can Seniors Get Treatment for Alcohol Abuse?

AUD in seniors is treated with a combination of medical care, medication management, addiction therapy, and support groups. Comprehensive, personalized care offers the best chances of long-term recovery, and this is available in addiction treatment programs that have experience treating seniors. 

Seniors who have been drinking for a long time should never attempt to stop drinking on their own.[19] This could result in life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.[20-22] Instead, medical supervision and support, and often prescribed medications, are needed to safely withdraw from alcohol.[23] 

Since AUD is underdiagnosed in seniors, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis from an experienced addiction treatment professional.[24] At Boca Recovery Center, our experts can assess you or your loved one for AUD and craft the best treatment program for your situation. 

We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. We customize care to your needs, and we offer evidence-based care for seniors. Contact us today to learn more.

Updated April 24, 2024
  1. Rising alcohol use among older adults. Sugarman D, MD. Harvard Health. Published September 24, 2021. Accessed October 18, 2023.
  2. Age, alcohol metabolism, and liver disease. Meier P, Seitz HK. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2008;11(1):21-26.
  3. Older people are projected to outnumber children. The United States Census Bureau. Published December 3, 2018. Accessed October 18, 2023.
  4. Facts about aging and alcohol. National Institute on Aging. Published 2022. Accessed October 18, 2023.
  5. Alcohol’s effects on health: Older adults. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Accessed October 18, 2023.
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  7. A day in the life of older adults: Substance use facts. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Published 2017. Accessed October 18, 2023.
  8. Alcohol use among older adults. National Poll on Healthy Aging, Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation - University of Michigan. Published December 27, 2022. Accessed October 18, 2023.
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  12. Poll finds risky drinking patterns in older adults during pandemic. Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation - University of Michigan. Accessed October 19, 2023.
  13. Drinking among older adults split during pandemic. Levine H. AARP. Published June 8, 2021. Accessed October 19, 2023.
  14. Addressing problems with alcohol and other substances among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Satre DD, Hirschtritt ME, Silverberg MJ, Sterling SA.The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Published April 2020.
  15. Harvard specialists sift damage of pandemic-era drinking. Harvard Gazette. Powell A. Published June 14, 2022. Accessed October 19, 2023.
  16. Signs and symptoms of alcohol and drug misuse or abuse. Guilford College. Published March 29, 2019. Accessed October 19, 2023.
  17. Alcohol use disorders in elderly people – redefining an age old problem in old age. O’Connell H. BMJ. 2003;327(7416):664-667.
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  23. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: Benzodiazepines and beyond. Sachdeva A, Choudhary M, Chandra M. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015;9(9).
  24. Recovery from alcohol use disorder among older adults: A scoping review. Kermel-Schiffman I, Afuta M, Zur A, Gavriel-Fried B. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Published January 7, 2023. Accessed October 19, 2023.
  25. Drinking and healthy aging: Know your limits. Sacco P. National Council on Aging. Published February 13, 2024. Accessed April 19, 2024.
  26. Limit alcohol. National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Accessed April 19, 2024.
  27. Alcohol withdrawal. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Published February 28, 2023. Accessed April 19, 2024.
  28. Delirium tremens in the older adult. Mulkey M, Olson D. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 2020;52(6):316-321.
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