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TRICARE Insurance Coverage for Drug Rehab in Indiana

TRICARE health insurance covers current and former military members, along with their eligible families. This form of insurance is available worldwide, including in Indiana. If you have TRICARE coverage, you can use it for drug rehab at Boca Recovery Center. 

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TRICARE plans are split into two regions: East and West. Indiana falls into the East region, with the plan administered by Humana Military.[1] The admissions team at Boca Recovery Center works well with Humana and can verify your benefits and get your treatment plan started. Contact the admissions team today

Does TRICARE Cover Drug Rehab in Indiana?

Yes, TRICARE does cover drug and rehab services in Indiana. But every plan is different, as are their associated costs. 

TRICARE plans come in the following two basic forms:[2]

  1. Prime: Any type of care, including drug rehab, starts with a visit to your primary care manager. This professional refers you to care, including filling out specialty paperwork. 
  2. Select: You don’t need a referral to specialty care. But some types of visits come with fees. 

Our admissions team can work directly with TRICARE and determine what is (and is not) covered. And we’ll confirm your out-of-pocket costs too, so you don’t have surprises down the road. 

How Much of the Cost of Drug Rehab Will TRICARE Insurance Cover?

All TRICARE insurance plans include robust coverage for drug rehab.[3] If you have this type of insurance, at least some of your treatment cost will be covered. 

But your final expenses can vary dramatically, depending on your referral status, whether the treatment partner you choose is in the Humana network, and your addiction severity. 

Insurance Coverage for Boca Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Indiana 

Your TRICARE insurance plan can help you cover the cost of treatment at Boca Recovery Center in Indiana. You don’t need to be an insurance expert to get care. We offer free insurance verification through this form

If your TRICARE insurance plan comes with high out-of-pocket costs, we can help. Need-based scholarships and financial packages ensure you get the care you need at Boca Recovery Center. 

Verifying Your TRICARE Insurance Coverage in Indiana

Many TRICARE policies require members to complete preauthorization steps before any kind of treatment program begins. Boca Recovery Center can start this process for you. 

Our admissions team will contact your TRICARE plan administrator at Humana. We’ll determine what is and is not covered. And we’ll gather any forms your doctor might need to refer you to Boca Recovery Center. With our help, enrolling in rehab is quick and easy. 

Use this form for a free, fast, and convenient TRICARE insurance verification. We’ll explain everything in terms you can understand, so you can focus on getting better.

What Addiction Treatment Services Are Covered by TRICARE?

While every TRICARE plan is different, most cover the basics. If you’re dealing with an addiction, your TRICARE plan can help you get needed care in Indiana. 

Although TRICARE coverage varies from plan to plan, you can expect at least partial coverage for common treatment elements, such as the following:

How Long Will TRICARE Cover Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Indiana?

It depends. Some people use their TRICARE coverage for extended stays in treatment programs. Others face limited coverage that dictates how long they stay in certain phases of care. 

Don’t let the complexities worry you. Let the admissions team at Boca Recovery Center work directly with Humana and give you the information you need, so you can make a smart decision. 

Updated March 5, 2024
  1. Regions. TRICARE. Accessed September 1, 2023.
  2. Tricare. Accessed September 1, 2023.
  3. Covered services: Detoxification. TRICARE. Published March 20, 2022. Accessed September 1, 2023.